The Business English Teacher

SKU: 9783125013520
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148.00 lei Prețul inițial a fost: 148.00 lei.115.55 leiPrețul curent este: 115.55 lei.
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  • Publicată în 2017
  • paperback, 120 pagini
  • Înalţime: 246 cm, lăţime: 189 cm, grosime 0,9 cm, greutate 273 g
  • Cod: 9783125013520
  • Clasificare: Categorii limbi straine
  • Categorii limbi straine: Resurse pentru profesori
  • Clasificare: Nivel de limbă
  • Nivel de limbă: Altele
  • Nivel învățământ: Adulti
  • Disciplină: Limba engleză

The Business English Teacher is a compendium of good practice for successful business English teaching. It is invaluable both for teachers thinking of moving into business English teaching, and those wishing to further increase their skills and develop their potential. Written by three business English experts with extensive experience in various fields, it offers:

  • an insight into the world of teaching business English learners
  • a detailed guide for both future and current practitioners
  • a bank of activities covering both business and language skills

The Business English Teacher contains three distinctive parts which focus in turn on theory, practice and development:

Part A analyses the qualities that make a good business English teacher and demonstrates the underlying pedagogy and overriding principles of business English teaching. It looks into who you teach, what you teach, where you teach and, above all, it explains how you can teach confidently and successfully.

Part B consists of a wealth of practical guidance and activities for all stages of an efficient business English course from the very beginning. It covers the business skills your learners need to perform and the language skills they need to perform them.

Part C looks at how you can develop, highlighting the need for reflecting on your present classroom performance, before finally focusing on the routes for furthering your professional development – in both the business English teaching world and the business world.

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